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 [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours

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2 participants

[Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Empty
MessageSujet: [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours   [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Icon_minitimeMer 5 Sep - 13:25

Dave a lancé officiellement l'Epicomp 2012 sur TC, le topic est ici.

Voici le règlement:

Dave a écrit:


Entry Submission - 0000 UT, September 1, 2012
End of Entry Submission - 2359 UT, December 1, 2012
Voting - 0000 UT, December 15, 2011 (subject to change)
End of Voting - 2359 UT, December 22, 2011 (subject to change)


For the purposes of these categories Epic models include models from any edition of Epic or 40k universe 6mm conversions. EpiComp respects the IP and copyright of all manufacturers and reserves the right to exclude any entry we feel is unsuitable (PM me if you have questions on that bit).

Best Single Model - Any single 6mm Epic vehicle/flyer or stand of troops.
Best War Engine - Any single 6mm Epic war engine (Titan, super-heavy tank/flyer, etc.)
Best Battleforce - Three or more of the following:
Three or more 6mm Epic vehicles or stands of troops
One or more 6mm Epic war engines
Open - One of the following:
A diorama
A terrain piece
Any 6mm sci-fi vehicle/flyer, stand of troops, war engine or battleforce of models from Baccus 6mm, Ground Zero Games, Plasmablast Games or any other 6mm sci-fi manufacturer
Dark Realm Miniatures - Any 6mm sci-fi vehicle/flyer, stand of troops, war engine or battleforce of models from Dark Realm Miniatures.
Exodus Wars - Any 6mm sci-fi vehicle/flyer, stand of troops, war engine or battleforce of models from Exodus Wars.
Microworld Games - Any 6mm sci-fi vehicle/flyer, stand of troops, war engine or battleforce of models from Microworld Games.


You do not have to be a member of these boards to enter (you do to vote however). Just e-mail your entry to epicompetitions [at] gmail [dot] com.

Please include the following:

Your name, and TacComm member name if applicable
A 1024x768px image of your entry in .jpg format
The title for the image
The category that you wish to enter the image in

Entries should be models that you've completed during the past year and not previously entered in an EpiComp competition. Entries already posted here or elsewhere on the internet can still be entered.

Because EpiComp tries to keep the entries as anonymous as possible please keep identifying information (eg your name/TacComm member name) out of the entry.


Voting will take place on these boards, so you'll have to be a member here in order to vote. I'll break down each category into heats and the winners of each heat will go onto the final for a second round of voting.

Voting is set (tentatively) to begin on December 15, 2011. It all depends on whether the galleries are up though so this date and the end of voting are both subject to change.


The prizes for the categories will be announced as I get them. A big thank you to those who have already donated! If you're thinking about donating something please PM me! EpiComp relies on the community's support and the great manufacturers who make our models for prizes!

One prize will be awarded to the winner of each category. A conversion prize will also be awarded to the best conversion across all the categories. This will be decided on by CyberShadow, NealHunt and myself (so feel free to shower us with bribery, ass-kissing, and the like).

Any winner will be awarded a maximum of one prize. If an entrant wins two categories they'll be able to choose the prize from either category. The prize from the other category will be awarded to the second-place entry in that category.

Best Single Model -
Best War Engine -
Best Battleforce -
Open -
Dark Realm Miniatures - £50 DRM gift certificate from Doug
Exodus Wars - a EW Marcovian Large Behemoth from Tom
Microworld Games - $40 MWG gift certificate from Steve
Best Conversion -

Undistributed as of yet: two EW Marcovian Small Behemoths and a Zho Large Behemoth from Tom

Si vous avez des questions, il faut les poser sur le topic de l'Epicomp sur TacticalCommands.
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Nombre de messages : 122
Age : 44
Localisation : Metz
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2011

[Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours   [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Jan - 11:03

Les votes sont ouverts depuis le 01/01 jusqu'au 08/01.
Bonne chance à tous !!

Lien Tactical command
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Nombre de messages : 286
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2010

[Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours   [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Jan - 12:35

où puis je trouver sur leur site les oeuvres des canditats à ce concours ?


ps: j'ai chercher je trouve que le vote !!!

je viens de trouver c'est ici
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MessageSujet: Re: [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours   [Epicomp 2012]Ouverture du concours Icon_minitime

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